Wednesday 7 November 2012

Track Permission

For our music video we need to use a track to link and edit our footage with, however, we
 are not musicians neither are we established artists so we don't have our own tracks at our disposal.
This meant that we had to pick a song from an established artist because they are most likely going to have tracks. Our teacher requested that we picked a song where there is no video available so we could create original ideas and not copy the work of the artist. This is why we decided to pick the song 'Right thing to do' by established artist SBTRKT. We picked SBTRKT because he is a British artist on a British label, meaning that he will be easier to contact when requesting track permission. His label is called The Young Turks so we addressed a letter to this record label as opposed to the artist because legally they have rights over the track, whereas SBTRKT is considered a performer, the label is responsible for distribution to the audience.We decided to email a letter to the the record label to have permission to use the track for our media project, asking for permission is important because of copyright laws. If we didn't ask for permission
The Young Turks could legally sue us for missuse of their track. We decided to be honest in our appeal and expose our personal interest with the artists associated with The Young Turks to make it more likely that they reply positively.

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