The gif below shows ideas of shots that were creative in the way it was framed but it could not be used because it was too dark. This means that you could not see the artists clearly throughout the whole footage and the words the artist lipsynces are hard to see.
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The picture below was an idea we had for a cutaway shot, we wanted the artist to embody the emotions of the song which is pain and anger. However, the artist over presented these feelings so the artist looked depressed. Depression was not the emotions we wanted to present in this music video as it is not the feeling expressed in the lyrics. Nevertheless we considered putting this shot in the music video and we discovered it still looks out of place from other shots. The emotion she expresses through mise-en-scene of her body language and facial expression is too sad for our music video, and the sadness of it makes it difficult to attract our audience. (young people) So we decided not to use it.
Though you can make out her presence and the words she is lipsyncing in the picture below, the shot is too blurry to be included in our music video.
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