conventions of music video on Prezi . After discovering the generatic themes present in music videos I attempted to create an individual music video, in which I focused on the same generatic themes such as lipsinc, importance of costume, dance routine, scenes and editing relevant to lyrics aswell as beat of the song.To enable me to complete this task I chose a song which would allow me to use the elements included in rock music videos for example singing live in glamorous clothing links to the ideology that most rock music videos include live footage. Aswell as exercising the elements used in pop music videos such as a group of friends from the same gender having fun and home setting for location.
Saturday, 7 July 2012
Thursday, 5 July 2012
12.Low Budget Ideas
This prezi includes Alevel low budget music videos that I have looked at aswell as the pratical tips I have discovered from them.
low budget on Prezi
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
6. Analysis of Rock Video 2
Fountains of Wayne- Stacey's Mom
5. Analysis Of Rock Video 1
The Killers- Somebody told me
This Close up shot reveals one of the conventions of Rock Music Videos, this is the nature of the genre which is anger and rebelliousness. This facial expression sets Rock Music aparts from Pop Music, as Pop is always happy whereas Rock is angry and grim.
Unlike Pop Videos, Rock Music Videos use low key lighting which presents the artists as shadows rather than focusing on their faces. This montage shows that locations are limited in comparison to Pop Videos as there is only one location and this is in the desert. The lack of bright light and bright colours makes the place look scary and dangerous, which doesn't attract the viewers. The mysteriousness of the video(presenting artists as shadows) and angry faces may relate to the viewers who share the same desires to be angry and mysteriousness. The effect of this that it puts emphasis on the lyrics, as not to much is going on in the video.
Live Instruments
Midshots are used to reveal that the band members are the same people that do both instruments and vocals. The mise-en-scene reveals this through the live playing of instruments (physical banging of drums) and the microphone to the lead singer.(lips moving in time with words) This differs from Pop Music videos which only has lip-syncing whereas Rock Music Videos have live performances.This Close up shot reveals one of the conventions of Rock Music Videos, this is the nature of the genre which is anger and rebelliousness. This facial expression sets Rock Music aparts from Pop Music, as Pop is always happy whereas Rock is angry and grim.
Unlike Pop Videos, Rock Music Videos use low key lighting which presents the artists as shadows rather than focusing on their faces. This montage shows that locations are limited in comparison to Pop Videos as there is only one location and this is in the desert. The lack of bright light and bright colours makes the place look scary and dangerous, which doesn't attract the viewers. The mysteriousness of the video(presenting artists as shadows) and angry faces may relate to the viewers who share the same desires to be angry and mysteriousness. The effect of this that it puts emphasis on the lyrics, as not to much is going on in the video.
3. Analysis Of Pop Videos 2
One Direction - One Thing
This Video uses both continuity editing alongside montage editing as it appears to have a story line by showing the boys traveling on the bus to meet crowds of fans to sing with them. However, there are shots that challenge the view that this video uses continuity editing sorely to narrate as it has shots of the fans alone, the boys playing in a field and the boys on the sofa, these shots do not connect with the narrative.
The costume is used to separate the fans from One Direction, this is shown by the fans casual clothing whereas One Direction are wearing smart clothes. Mise-en-scene is kept consistent especially through facial expression as each shot shows that everyone is smiling meaning that they are happy. The fact that they are happy suggests they are having a good time. The posters held by the girls make One Direction look aspirational to male viewers because several girls love them. This makes boys want to be like them so loads of girls will like them and want to take pictures with them in the same way that these girls adore One Direction. The overhead shot shows hundreds of girls waiting in excitement to see One Direction, this presents One Direction as cool and popular. This makes One Direction appear aspirational as a singing group.
This scene shows the convention of a dance routine used commonly in bands, in this music video a dance routine is use to unite the boys musically.
This Video uses both continuity editing alongside montage editing as it appears to have a story line by showing the boys traveling on the bus to meet crowds of fans to sing with them. However, there are shots that challenge the view that this video uses continuity editing sorely to narrate as it has shots of the fans alone, the boys playing in a field and the boys on the sofa, these shots do not connect with the narrative.
The convention used in this music video is lip-syncing, this is when the artists move their lips in time with the lyrics of the song. This creates the view that these artists are singing the song.
This shot puts all the five boys in the frame, the mise-en-scene shows that they are holding on to each other, this shows that they are very good friends. Their facial expressions shows that they are having fun playing with one another. The lack of props emphasis the close bond of these friends because they don't need objects to play with to have fun,they can play with each other. The high key lighting and the good weather makes this friendship look aspirational. It makes the viewers admire the friends and sought to find friends that they can have fun with, without the need of objects.
This scene exercises the convention of fun. This shows the boys just playing about and having a good time. The props used in this scene are a little car and bouncy balls which the boys play with. The scene shows the boys leaving the bouncy balls which they were playing with individually to play with the car as a group, this shows that fun is collective thing that you can only achieve with a group of people. The interesting use of the little car which is meant for younger children but is played with by older boys presents the idea that you are never too old to play. It also presents an alternative game to the over advertised video games with boys as the dominate players, the fact that these boys are not playing video games together but play games with an outdoor mini car presents the outdoor games as more aspirational. This shows how the mise-en-scene use of body language can persuade viewers to leave the video games at home and go out and play with their friends. The costume is used to separate the fans from One Direction, this is shown by the fans casual clothing whereas One Direction are wearing smart clothes. Mise-en-scene is kept consistent especially through facial expression as each shot shows that everyone is smiling meaning that they are happy. The fact that they are happy suggests they are having a good time. The posters held by the girls make One Direction look aspirational to male viewers because several girls love them. This makes boys want to be like them so loads of girls will like them and want to take pictures with them in the same way that these girls adore One Direction. The overhead shot shows hundreds of girls waiting in excitement to see One Direction, this presents One Direction as cool and popular. This makes One Direction appear aspirational as a singing group.
This scene shows the convention of a dance routine used commonly in bands, in this music video a dance routine is use to unite the boys musically.
2. Analysis of Pop Videos 1
Beyonce - Party ft J.Cole
This video is dominated by continuity editing,as it starts off with Beyonce in her caravan seeing her friends. The next shot shows her with her friends having a good time, the final shots show her at a outdoor party with several other people having a party. This is the narrative displayed in the music video
This video is dominated by continuity editing,as it starts off with Beyonce in her caravan seeing her friends. The next shot shows her with her friends having a good time, the final shots show her at a outdoor party with several other people having a party. This is the narrative displayed in the music video
The mise-en-scene shows Beyonce, the artist, having fun with other girls in a bedroom. This promotes the idea that you can have the most fun when you are with your friends. These friends are gender based to suggest this is a night out seeing as there are only girls in this shot. The girls night has the objective of going to a party to have fun, this motive is made aspirational to the viewer by showing the characters having fun.
The convention promoted through out the video is the emphasis of fun. This is emphasized through mise-en-scene use of body language and facial expressions. High Key lighting is used to bring out the happiness in the frame as well as making the scene look attractive by making the location look bright and inviting. This makes party life look aspirational. In each frame Beyonce is surrounded by several people, however the people closest to her is her female friends. Which again reinforces the importance of friendship when pursuing fun, as you can only have fun with your friends. The mise-en-scene demonstrates the notion of fun through the smiley faces, the casual dance movies everyone is doing alongside the generatic wave that people do at concerts.
Locations,Costume And Props
The different locations promote the idea that a party can happen anywhere; outdoors or indoors and people will still have fun. Each frame holds similar costume and props to reveal the general requirements of a party.
Every shot is dominated by bright colours either by costume or props. In each frame people are wearings clothes for clubbing as opposed to smart and formal. This shows that these parties are casual and people are only motivated to attend to have fun. The props include cups with drink in it, the drink presumably alcohol as an ingredient vital for having fun as people like to get drunk at parties.The overruling convention in Pop music videos is the strong desire to have fun.
I have been given a task to create a music video based on conventions existing in music videos today, our video should be creative in order to gain marks. The people I am working with is Grace Potton and Matthew Moor. Music videos can differ based on its genre whether it is a Pop song,Rock song, Funk song or R&B soul song.

To succeed at this task we need to follow the following requirements of which we are marked on:
To succeed at this task we need to follow the following requirements of which we are marked on:
- Holding a shot steady
- Framing a shot and excluding elements when possible
- Using a variety of shot distances as appropriate
- Shooting material appropriate for task set
- Selecting mise-en-scene including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting
- Editing so that meaning is apparent to viewer
- Using a varied shot transitions, captions and other effects selectively and appropriately
- Using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task
Monday, 2 July 2012
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