Wednesday 4 July 2012


I have been given a task to create a music video based on conventions existing in music videos today, our video should be creative in order to gain marks. The people I am working with is Grace Potton and Matthew Moor. Music videos can differ based on its genre whether it is a Pop song,Rock song, Funk song or R&B soul song.
Wordle: Untitled
To succeed at this task we need to follow the following requirements of which we are marked on:
  • Holding a shot steady 
  • Framing a shot and excluding elements when possible
  • Using a variety of shot distances as appropriate
  • Shooting material appropriate for task set
  • Selecting mise-en-scene including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting
  • Editing so that meaning is apparent to viewer
  • Using a varied shot transitions, captions and other effects selectively and appropriately
  • Using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task 

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